Bairnsdale Yoga Room

Bairnsdale Yoga Room opens in the New Year! Monday 13th January 2014. Come to yoga, boost your energy and vitality, improve your flexibility and posture.

Class Timetable:
9.00-10.15am – Yoga

9.00-10.15am – Yoga
2.00-3.15pm – Yoga
4.00-5.15pm – Yoga

9.00-10.15am – Yoga

9.00-10.15am – Yoga

Class Description:
Yoga – 1hr 15min classes include yoga postures to stretch, lengthen, tone and strengthen your muscles, improve your flexibility, posture and balance. Breathing exercises to bring your focus to your breath, improve your awareness and integrate your mind/body. Relaxation to release all unnecessary tension from your body and build your natural energy.

*All yoga classes and groups have limited numbers of 5 students, this gives you great personalised instruction. Bookings essential; phone, text, email or facebook to ensure your place!

Yoga is for everyone, all abilities welcome, props and adjustments are made to suit everybody.

Class Prices:
Casual classes: $15 per class. Buy a 6 class pass for $75.
